Pun bad...but greatly apprecited! It brought a smile to my face. I love this in Sarasota Pink above...I feel as if I'm peeking out from behind the curtains into someone's private space. Delighted to have found you and looking forward to following your work.
I live on what they call the Connecticut Shoreline, near New Haven.
I've been painting a long time. Most of my focus over the years has been on nonobjective subject matter; this ongoing series of realist work, of light falling on houses, is a fairly recent pursuit, echoing an interest I had as a college student back in the 70s.
Pun bad...but greatly apprecited! It brought a smile to my face. I love this in Sarasota Pink above...I feel as if I'm peeking out from behind the curtains into someone's private space. Delighted to have found you and looking forward to following your work.