Here is a cropped version of Across the Street, featured here earlier. When I took the initial photos, I think I raised concerns from the neighbor of our friends in Santa Rosa: Who's that stranger taking pictures of my place? It is an intrusive thing to do, and I've had to explain myself more than once. (acrylic on canvas on panel, 5"x7")
This was on a rare sunny afternoon in July in San Francisco. Most of the time we were there was overcast/foggy, with highs in the lower 60s. But I couldn't complain as the rest of the country sweltered.
Mark Twain had an oft-cited quote about summers in San Francisco - so oft that I dare not cite it here.
I live on what they call the Connecticut Shoreline, near New Haven.
I've been painting a long time. Most of my focus over the years has been on nonobjective subject matter; this ongoing series of realist work, of light falling on houses, is a fairly recent pursuit, echoing an interest I had as a college student back in the 70s.